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Join us for our 2024 Lantern Walk. Madison County Historian Steve Jackson and the Herald Bulletin’s Don McAllister will guide participants through the cemetery sharing information about individuals who have contributed significantly to the City of Anderson and Madison County. Come and enjoy an evening stroll through our cemetery grounds and take in the fall colors! This event is free and open to the public. Lanterns and food will be available while supplies last.

Everyone in attendance will be eligible to win a VISA gift card at the close of the event. Must be present to win.

Donations to cover event costs are always appreciated!

This year we are highlighting another non-profit agency active in Madison County. Monetary donations and donations of DISH SOAP, BAR SOAP/BODY WASH, DISH TOWELS, BATH TOWELS, TWIN SHEET SETS, and CHILDREN’S WINTER HATS AND GLOVES will be collected for ALTERNATIVES, INC. in support of their efforts to eradicate domestic and sexual violence in Central Indiana.